среда, 16 октября 2013 г.

Quadriceps & Calves

It can be tempting to skip exercises that work your quadriceps. No doubt this is because the movements that best train these muscles—squats and lunges—require a lot of effort. But, of course, that’s exactly what makes them so worthwhile.
Take the squat, for example. It burns more calories per rep than almost any other exercise. And along with targeting your quadriceps, it hits all the other muscles in your lower body, too, including your hamstrings, glutes, and calves.
So sure, squats and lunges are hard, but embracing the quadriceps exercises in this chapter will reward you with strong, muscular legs and a leaner midsection. And for those who want to give their lower legs extra attention, this section also includes moves that focus directly on your calves.
Bonus Benefits
Great abs! Besides helping you burn belly flab, squats work the muscles of your core harder than many ab exercises do.
Stronger back! In a study of lifters who did both upper- and lower-body exercises, Norwegian scientists found that those who emphasized lower-body movements such as the squat and lunge gained the most upper-body strength.
Better balance! Conditioning your quads also strengthens the ligaments and tendons within your legs—helping make your knees more stable and less susceptible to injury.

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