пятница, 31 января 2014 г.


Ever since the dawn of civilization, human beings have attempted to probe the mystery of longevity. Why, we have wanted to know, do some of us die young while others live well beyond our biblical allotment of three score and ten years? Today, although much research remains to be done, scientists are beginning to unravel the mysteries of long life. Biologists such as Roy Walford have learned, for example, that we have a genetic capability to live for at least 100, and possibly 120 years. Why, then, do almost half of us fall 50 years short of our genetic potential? There are two basic answers: our heredity and our life-styles.
If your parents and grandparents lived to be eighty, ninety, or more, the chances are that, barring accidents, you too will live to about their ages. If your parents or grandparents died of heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, or other such illnesses in their forties or fifties, you are more at risk than most people of dying young from one of these diseases.
Though there is not much you can do yet about your heredity, you must understand that heredity creates propensities only, not predestinations. But you can do something about the way you live, and the way you live, regardless of your genetic endowment, can add many healthy years to your life.
Scientists have learned that we are killing ourselves prematurely by how we live. First of all, we eat too much; more than 60 million adult Americans are classified as obese. And much of what we eat—excess fat, sugar, and salt—contributes to our demise. Add in environmental pollution, smoking, sedentary but stressful jobs, too much driving, and not enough exercise, and you have an accurate portrait of an all-too-typical American: fat, frustrated, unhappy, and unhealthy. The only question remaining for most of us is whether we will die young of a heart attack, stroke, lung cancer, or some other deadly disease.

Chapter 5. The Fountain of Youth Discovered: Swimming and Longevity

IN 1513 THE SPANISH explorer Juan Ponce de León braved the unknown perils of the swampy Everglades and the fierce Carib and Seminole Indians in his search for the mythical Fountain of Youth. Although he is remembered today for his accidental “discovery” of Florida, Ponce never did find the legendary source of eternal youth. He died in 1521 at the unremarkable age of sixty-one, reportedly looking every bit his age.
In 1989 Lynda Myers, a thirty-nine-year-old business executive, homemaker, and mother of two teenagers, found the real Fountain of Youth less than a mile from her home in a Washington, DC, suburb: she started swimming five days a week during her lunch hour. Today, Lynda is happier and healthier than she ever remembers being. What’s more, according to recent scientific studies and data gathered by life-insurance companies, Lynda has added over thirty years to her life expectancy! Later in this chapter I will explain how she accomplished this. More important, I will show you how you can do the same.


.One of the things I used to tell people when they asked me why I swim, is that swimming allows me to eat anything I want. And I 
.love to eat. I have heard many athletes express similar sentiments.
In a way it was true. I made sure to get all the basic nutrients in my diet, but on top of that I piled on the high-carbohydrate foods I loved, particularly frozen yogurt. Sure enough, as long as I was working out, I could eat just about anything and never put on weight. But as I learned several years ago, I was fooling myself, and in the process cheating myself of a valuable training tool and a key to long-term health.
For years nutritionists have told us that it is important to eat a balanced diet, one high in carbohydrates and low in both protein and fat, and one containing the basic vitamins and minerals and a high level of fiber. But in recent years a new discipline has emerged that offers a powerful and compelling challenge to the conventional wisdom about the ideal diet.

Dietary Endocrinology

Dietary endocrinology, a new area of nutrition, studies our bodies’ hormonal responses to the foods we eat. One of the leaders in this field is Barry Sears, a former research instructor at the Boston University School of Medicine and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and now president of Surfactant Technologies, Inc.
Although dietary endocrinology originally was developed for the treatment of cardiovascular patients, it appears to be applicable both to the enhancement of athletic performance and to the maintenance of ideal levels of body fat. Since 1989 research in this area has been conducted with the Stanford University men’s and women’s swim teams, and dietary endocrinology played an important role in the impressive success of the Stanford swimmers who participated in the 1992 Olympics.

New Attitudes about the High-Carbohydrate Diet

Contrary to sports nutrition gospel, it appears that high-carbohydrate diets may limit athletic performance. This statement is based on thirty years of endocrinological studies which indicate that the food you eat generates a powerful hormonal response. According to this new theory, you have a choice: either you control these biochemical responses or they control you. Athletes, particularly endurance athletes, often believe that their bodies do not obey the laws of biochemistry and endocrinology that govern everybody else. As I used to do, they treat their stomachs like blast furnaces; they believe that because they are athletes they can digest anything. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Several basic biochemical facts govern athletic performance. First and foremost, the primary source of muscle energy is fatty acids—that is, fats. The problem is that muscle cells contain very limited amounts of fat. Fatty acids must be released from the fat in your body into the bloodstream to be used as an energy source by the muscle cells. If the muscles cannot access fatty acids, they are forced to use a secondary and inferior source for energy: carbohydrates. Although the muscle cells contain much of the body’s stored carbohydrates, only the carbohydrates in the liver can be mobilized to maintain the blood-sugar levels your brain needs to function. The task becomes to mobilize the stored carbohydrates from the liver into the bloodstream at levels the brain can access.
An athlete’s body has a virtually unlimited supply of stored fat, but it has limited supplies of stored carbohydrates. For example, a world-class marathon runner or a long-distance swimmer can store twenty to forty times more energy as fat in his or her body than as carbohydrate, so carbo loading makes absolutely no sense at all. What we should be discussing is how best to utilize the fat in our bodies.
It is important to note that the brain can use only carbohydrates as an energy source. As long as the muscles can access fatty acids and the brain has its carbohydrates, the body works smoothly during exercise. The trouble begins when the muscles and brain start to compete for carbohydrates. This is the worst possible dilemma for an athlete, because if the brain is deprived of its carbohydrate supply, the athlete will simply lose concentration.
According to Sears, the problem with nutrition in general, and sports nutrition in particular, is that the conventional wisdom has people looking at the trees and ignoring the forest. Nutrition, he points out, is far more complex than counting the calories you eat or calculating how much fat or carbohydrates are in a serving. “Every time you put a piece of food in your mouth,” he points out, “you trigger a hormonal response. This response ultimately dictates how our bodies perform.”
With this background, we can look at the effects that high-carbohydrate diets have on hormonal response. Initially there is a rise in blood sugar, which causes the secretion of the hormone insulin. As insulin levels increase in the bloodstream, blood-sugar levels begin to fall. Once blood sugar drops below a critical threshold, the brain begins to demand more of it. This starts the cycle over again, and it accounts for the constant hunger and carbo cravings experienced by many athletes, as well as people on high-carbohydrate weight-loss diets.
Several additional facts must be explained. First, the rate of the rise in blood sugar determines insulin levels in the bloodstream. However, not all carbohydrates have the same effect on insulin secretion. In fact, some complex carbohydrates actually increase insulin levels faster than simple sugars. The faster that insulin rises, the more rapidly blood-sugar levels drop. For example, pasta increases insulin levels much faster than a Snickers candy bar. This is why many people, including athletes, become hungry only two to three hours after eating a high-carbohydrate meal.
Second, the human body has a limited capacity to store carbohydrates as glycogen. Once the glycogen pools are full, the rest of the carbohydrates are stored as fat. So high levels of insulin, which are a direct consequence of a high-carbohydrate diet, lead in a roundabout way to an increase in body fat.
Third, elevated insulin prevents the release of free fatty acids from the fat stores. The end result is that a high-carbohydrate diet actually cuts off the primary energy source for your muscles.

The Benefits of Balancing Hormones

Just as carbohydrates affect insulin, protein affects other hormonal responses. In particular, protein in the diet drives up the blood levels of the hormone glucagon. It is the dynamic balance between insulin and glucagon that ultimately determines an athlete’s endurance.
Glucagon has the opposite physiological effect of insulin. For example, whereas insulin prevents the release of fatty acids from your fat stores, glucagon mobilizes these fatty acids. Likewise, glucagon mobilizes carbohydrates from the liver to maintain blood-sugar levels while insulin lowers blood sugar. So it is important to keep a favorable ratio between insulin and glucagon in order to maintain the flow of energy to your muscle cells. The key point to remember is that the glucagon-to-insulin ratio is determined totally by the food you put in your mouth.
There are a number of immediate and profound benefits for anyone who follows a glucagon-favorable diet, but athletes in particular can gain by these advantages:
• Hunger is eliminated because blood-sugar levels are maintained for up to six hours.
• Muscular endurance is increased because fatty acids are being released from your fat stores.
• You stay more mentally alert since blood-sugar levels are stabilized.
• Finally, your body fat decreases because you are utilizing stored fat.

The Ideal Diet

How can you establish a balanced, glucagon-favorable diet? The key is the ratio of carbohydrates to proteins that you eat. This determines the ratio of insulin to glucagon in your bloodstream.
The typical athlete’s diet contains 60 to 70 percent carbohydrates, 15 percent protein, and 15 to 25 percent fat. In addition, the carbohydrates often have a high glycemic index, causing blood sugar to rise rapidly. High-glycemic carbohydrates include pasta, bread, and starches. This type of diet is guaranteed to promote high insulin levels and ultimately limit your performance.
The diet of the typical American is even worse: 50 percent carbohydrate, 13 percent protein, and 37 percent fat. This is a tailor-made prescription for developing heart disease, diabetes, and several forms of cancer.
Research has shown that a favorable glucagon balance can be achieved with a diet consisting of 40 percent carbohydrates, 30 percent protein, and 30 percent fat. What is most important is maintaining the 4-to-3 ratio between carbohydrates and protein.
It is interesting that recent research by anthropologists indicates that this 4-to-3-to-3 ratio closely approximates the diet eaten by our prehistoric ancestors.
Thirty percent fat is the level recommended by the American Heart Association. For good health, your diet must include at least some fat, but this poses no health risk because most people, as a result of well-established diet preferences, find it difficult to get fat levels much below 30 percent. However, if you are one of the few who can get your fat intake below 30 percent, you can still maintain the essential 4-to-3 carbohydrate-to-protein ratio. For example, with a diet containing only 22 percent fat, you can have a 4-to-3-to-2 ratio between carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, yielding the same 4-to-3 ratio in carbohydrate-to-protein intake.
To further complicate things, you must try to maintain the 4-to-3 ratio at every meal, and you must also eat about a third of the vitamins and minerals you need at every meal. At one time medical authorities believed vitamins’ only role in health was preventing or curing diseases specifically caused by vitamin deficiencies. But recent studies have shown many vitamins to be useful in protecting overall health. Among these are vitamin C, and the antioxidants, vitamin E and vitamin A, especially in the form of beta carotene.
Some may protest that this diet appears to be just what they have long been told is not conducive to weight loss. But you will lose weight, because using your stored body fat as a primary source of energy means that you will not have to put as many calories in your mouth to maintain your energy level. In fact, people on a glucagon-favorable diet eat only about half the total calories of a typical American diet because of better appetite control as well as the diet’s ability to provide better access to stored fat.
Once you calculate the number of grams of protein and carbohydrates you will need in a glucagon-favorable diet, it quickly becomes apparent that this is a low-calorie, low-fat, protein-adequate, and high-nutrient diet. It is precisely this kind of diet that geneticist Roy Walford has shown experimentally can lead to a significant increase in life expectancy.
Why are scientists only now beginning to understand the powerful hormonal effects of diet? The reason is that there is a very narrow target zone of protein to carbohydrate that generates the favorable glucagon-to-insulin ratio. If an athlete eats too much carbohydrate (relative to protein), excess insulin is released. If he eats too much protein and not enough carbohydrate, he will develop a physiological state known as ketosis. Ketosis is actually far worse for an athlete than excess insulin production because it inhibits the release of glucagon and promotes the loss of muscle mass.
Therefore, it is essential to eat just the right balance of protein and carbohydrate at every meal—not an easy task. Appendix H provides examples of meals with the proper protein-to-carbohydrate balance.
How do you know if you are in the target zone? Your lack of appetite. If your blood-sugar levels are stabilized, your brain will be satisfied and not send out any hunger signals for four to six hours. If you are out of the target zone, you will constantly be hungry. It’s as simple as that.


So swimming is an excellent way to lose weight. But simply losing weight does not mean getting fit. You can be thin and still be unhealthy. The key is reducing body fat. Here swimming’s credentials are even more impressive, for, contrary to Bailey’s contention, Olympic swimmers have close to the lowest body-fat percentages of any athletes: about 6 percent for men and 12 percent for women.
But what about ordinary folk like you and me? Medical experts agree that to be fit, a man should have 15 percent body fat or less; a woman 22 percent or less. In general, women have a higher percentage of body fat than men because women’s breasts are composed of fatty tissue and women have more internal fat to protect their reproductive organs.
If you are above these levels, you must consider yourself overweight even though you may be within normal limits on an insurance company chart. According to the most recent health statistics, at age thirty-five the average American male carries 25 percent of his weight in fat, the average female 33 percent. These figures are perilously close to those that place your health in serious jeopardy.
Without exercise, people lose muscle and add fat as they grow older. Their weight may stay the same, but by middle age the average American is carrying far too much fat. Excessive levels of body fat are strongly correlated with heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and many other diseases.
People who exercise regularly add body fat much more slowly as they age. The typical man in an exercise program carries 16 percent of his body weight in fat at age twenty-five and 23 percent at age fifty-five. For women, the figures are 19 percent at age twenty-five and 29 percent thirty years later.
As mentioned, numerous studies have shown that regular swimming results in significant weight loss. More important, it leads to a decrease in body fat. In one study, overweight middle-aged men lost twelve to fifteen pounds of body fat during just twelve weeks of swim training. In another, overweight women lost fifteen to twenty pounds after swimming for ten weeks. Masters swimmers who train a minimum of forty-five minutes a day, three or more times a week, fare even better.
Forty-six-year-old Bill Purdin was horrified when he weighed in at 194 pounds, more than 30 pounds above his college weight. A body-fat analysis showed that at 22 percent he was lugging around almost 43 pounds of fat. The busy Boston-area advertising executive had tried working out over the years but had never stuck to a program. His imminent encroachment on 200 pounds must have provided special motivation, for this time he did. As a result of training six hours a week, Bill’s weight dropped to 164 in less than six months. More important, his body fat percentage dropped to just over 16 percent. His goal is to reach 12 percent and stay there.
My own experience is similar. In 1971 I was a twenty-eight-year-old hotshot, several years into a promising publishing career and probably a bit more active than most guys my age. I had been a competitive swimmer in college and had continued to work out on and off while in graduate school. Although I no longer exercised in any sort of program, I did go for a bike ride once or twice a week and tried to squeeze in an occasional game of touch football or a set or two of tennis. I even got into the pool every now and then. On top of that, as a single father I was kept hopping by my then three-year-old son, Russell.
But clearly I was on the road of ever-decreasing activity that ultimately would lead to serious health problems. I already weighed in at 188 pounds, 10 pounds above my competitive weight in college. And my waist had expanded five inches, to a nice round girth of thirty-six inches. My body fat was 17.6 percent, not terrible but well above the 15.0 percent that defines fitness for a man and less than 2.0 percent from the point at which coronary risk begins.
In December 1971 I began swimming again, and I have been doing it ever since. Now, at the age of fifty, I am in far better shape than I was twenty-two years ago. My weight is back down to the 180 pounds I weighed as a college freshman, my waist is a trim 32 1/4 inches, and my body fat is 9.8 percent. (See Table 4.1 for a more detailed comparison.)

I have lost over seventeen pounds of fat while gaining seven pounds of muscle. And I have never been healthier.
There is nothing unique about my experience. In 1991-92, I tested the body fat of over 700 Masters swimmers from throughout the United States and several other countries. The results are shown in Table 4.2.

These dramatic figures demonstrate that losing muscle mass and increasing fat are not inevitable parts of the aging process. In fact, it seems crystal clear that if you swim regularly, you can remain fit and trim, with little increase in body fat.
Table 4.3 illustrates this point by comparing Masters swimmers with people in an exercise program and with sedentary individuals to illustrate how body fat changes with age.

Measuring Body Fat

There are several ways to determine how much body fat you have. The original method, and theoretically the most accurate, is called hydrostatic weighing, or water weighing. Here you are weighed while you hold your breath under water. Then you are weighed again as you duck your head under water and exhale all the air in your lungs.
The skin caliper test is another common method of measuring body fat. A caliper gathers up and measures the thickness of your fat and skin at specific spots on your body, such as your triceps.
A third method, called electrical impedance, is based on the fact that muscle contains more water than fat and thus is a better conductor of electricity. Sensor pads connected to a monitor are placed on your ankle and wrist; then a small current is sent through the sensors. The time it takes the electrical impulse to travel the length of your body reveals how much fat and lean tissue you have.
All these techniques require special equipment and some expertise in its use. But not to worry. According to Jack H. Wilmore, an exercise physiologist at the University of Texas, you can estimate your body-fat percentage fairly accurately using only a scale, a tape measure, and the charts in Figure 4.1. Here’s how:

Men: Weigh yourself, then measure your waist at the belly button. Using a straightedge, line up the two figures on the chart. Your body-fat percentage is where the straightedge crosses the percent body-fat line.
Women: Measure your hips at their widest point. Using a straightedge, draw a line connecting your hip girth with your height. Read your body-fat percentage where the line crosses the percent body-fat line.

A highly accurate method for calculating your body fat involves only slightly more effort. The only tools you need are a scale, a tape measure, and the ability to perform a simple arithmetic calculation.

Body-Fat Calculation for Women

1. Measure your hips at their widest point and your waist at your belly button.
2. Measure your height without shoes.
3. Record these measurements on the work sheet on this page.
4. Find each of these measurements in the table in Appendix D and record the constants on the work sheet.
5. Add Constants A and B, then subtract Constant C from this sum. Round to the nearest whole number. The figure is your percentage body fat.
Let’s say that you are 5 feet 6 inches tall. Your hips are 36 inches, and your waist is 27 inches. Here is how to calculate your body fat:
Hips: 36 inchesConstant A = 41.86
Waist: 27 inchesConstant B = 19.20
Height: 66 inchesConstant C = 40.23
Add Constants A and B:

 Now subtract Constant C:

Round out to the nearest whole number, and you get 21 percent.
Some things to keep in mind: Take all your measurements on bare skin, making sure the tape is snug but not too tight. The best procedure is to take each measurement three times, then use the average. When taking your waist measurement, be sure you measure at the belly button and not at the narrowest point.
I have found this simple procedure to be remarkably accurate and a good way to keep a record of your progress as you get into shape. However, it is important to keep in mind that the procedure was developed using averages based on the measurements of thousands of women. My experience is that it tends to overestimate slightly the body-fat percentage of women in excellent shape and women with smaller than average breasts. It also underestimates somewhat the body-fat percentage of women with larger than average breasts.
Your body composition is an important measure of your physical fitness. How do you compare with other women? Table 4.4 lists the body-fat percentages for different reference groups. This list will help put your own body-fat percentage in perspective. It will also allow you to measure your progress as you get into shape.

Body-Fat Calculation for Men

The formula for calculating men’s body fat is even simpler than that for women.
1. Measure your waist at your belly button.
2. Measure your wrist where it bends, at the space between your hand and wrist bone.
3. Record these measurements on the work sheet on this page.
4. Subtract your wrist measurement from your waist measurement and find the resulting value in the table in Appendix D.
5. Find your weight on the left-hand side of the table. Move to the right. Then move down from your waist-minus-wrist figure. At the point where these two intersect, simply read your body-fat percentage.
Let’s say that your waist measures 34 inches, your wrist is 7 inches, and you weigh 165 pounds. Here is how to calculate your body fat:
Waist: 34 inches
Wrist: 7 inches
Subtract your wrist measurement from your waist measurement:

Use Appendix D to find your weight: 165 pounds. Where 165 pounds intersects with 27 inches you will find your body-fat percentage: 16 percent.
Be sure to take your measurements on bare skin, keeping the tape snug but not too tight. Take each measurement three times, using the average. Remember to measure your waist at the belly button, not the narrowest point.
As with women, a man’s body composition is one of the most significant indicators of his physical fitness. How do you measure up against other men? Table 4.5 lists the body-fat percentages for different reference groups. This list will help put your own body-fat percentage in perspective and allow you to measure your progress as you swim yourself into condition. Note that the athletic groups listed are world-class or professional.

Level 1 Workout 2 Модернизированный

Level 1 Workout 2 Модернизированный

Posture, Static Balance, and Vertical Kick

Training zone: Recovery and low aerobic
Target RPE range: 9 to 11
Target heart-rate range: 70 to 85% of SLTHR
This entire practice is done at warm-up and cool-down intensity 
4 × 25 on :15R TS—alt 25 FB, 25 SGND (focus: tight line)
4 × 25 on :15R—alt 25 BB, 25 SGNU rt, 25 BB, 25 SGNU lft (focus: downward angle of extended arm)
2 × 25 on :15R TS—alt 25 SGND rt, 25 SGND lft (focus: buoy pressure) IHR or RPE
2 × 25 swim on :20R TS (focus: downhill swimming)
2 × 25 on :15R BSP
4 × :15 VK on :15R (focus: tight line)
4 × 25 on :15R TS—alt 25 FB, 25 SGND lft, 25 FB, 25 SGND rt—tight-schlumpy-tight on each length
4 × :20 VK on :10R—tight-schlumpy-tight during each repeat
2 × 25 on :15R BSP
2 × 25 swim on :20R TS—tight-schlumpy-tight on each length
Total distance: 750 (includes estimated equivalent for VK)
Comments: This, again, is mainly a posture and static balance-skills practice session. Do it all at an easy and comfortable pace, except that the vertical kicking will likely be a bit more intense. The focus is on executing each drill flawlessly. Feel free to shorten the rest intervals on the drills that you are sure you are executing properly. If at any time you feel that you need more rest to successfully execute a drill, take it.

Итоги 35-й тренировочной недели 2-го года занятий

На этой неделе провел 6 тренировок: 4 силовых и 2 плавание.
Общее время тренировок: 05:33:57 (Рекордное время тренировок: 11:04:18)
Средний пульс тренировок: 116.33 (Рекордный средний пульс тренировок: 135.50)
Максимальный средний пульс тренировок: 160.83 (Рекордный максимальный средний пульс: 183.67)
Килокалорий за тренировки: 2992 (Рекордная затрата килокалорий на тренировках: 4998)
Общая работа на тренировках: 41155.79 (Рекордная работа на тренировках: 49665.70)
Средний вес: 99.28 кг (Рекордно низкий средний вес: 97.60 кг)
Средний пульс за тренировочный день: 68.50 (Рекордно низкий средний пульс: 57.50)

Систола: 136.67 (Наинизшее систолическое давление: 132.25)
Диастола: 82
.83 (Наинизшее диастолическое давление: 79.00)
Плотность: 123.22  (Максимальная плотность: 151.93)

На этой неделе установлены следующие личные рекорды:

2-й год 35-я неделя Тренировка-6 1/5 Ласты

Давление 128/69, пульс 74, вес 98.6 кг (Минимальное давление, пульс и вес: 123/72, 53, 97.3)  
Вторая дневная тренировка 
Тренировка выполнялась в ластах.

Level 1 Workout 5 More Stroke Integration

Training zone: Recovery and low aerobic
Target RPE range: 9 to 11
Target heart-rate range: 70 to 85% of SLTHR
6 × 25 on :10R—alt 25 SGB rt, 25 SGB lft, 25 SGSS (focus: sliding-board entry)
4 × 25 on :10R TS—alt 25 SGSS, 25 swim (focus: side skating)
Main Set
4 × 25 on :15R TS—alt 25 SGND, 25 SGSS (focus: patches and cheeks)
4 × 25 on :15R TS—alt 25 SGSS, 25 3S&G (focus: patches and cheeks)
4 × 25 on :10R TS—alt 25 SGSS, 25 3S&G (focus: patches and cheeks)
2 × 25 swim on :10R (focus: patches and cheeks)
4 × :20 VKR on :10R—odd: hands on your chest; even: hands out of the water
2 × 25 on :10R LAR TS—tight-schlumpy-tight on each length
6 × 25 on :10R TS—alt 25 SGND, 25 SGSS, 25 swim (focus: downhill swimming)
Total distance: 900 (includes estimated equivalent for VKR)
Comments: This practice introduces another stroke-integration drill, 3 strokes and glide (3S&G). The main set takes a single focus point, patches and cheeks, and applies it to a progression of increasingly complex activities—from a single-stroke drill up to full-stroke swimming. You can apply this pattern to other focus points as well. Take more rest than indicated if you feel out of breath or if you feel that you need more rest to execute well. Have you tried using short-blade fins or bare feet for some of your drills?
Выводы: Хорошо прошло
Общая дистанция на тренировке (м): = 900  (Рекордная дистанция: 900)
Дистанция за неделю: =850+900 = 1750 (Рекордная дистанция: 3950)
Общая работа на тренировке: =0.05*98.6*900 = 4437.00 (Рекордная работа: 5976)
Скорость 50м отрезка:  1:32,23 (Рекордная скорость: _)
Скорость 25м отрезка:  38,31 (Рекордная скорость: _)
Время T-20 :  20:17
Дистанция T-20 :  400 м (Рекордная дистанция: _)
T-20 cruise pace:  05:04 (Рекордная скорость: _) 
IHR по окончанию T-20 Swim: 140 bpm (минимальный IHR: _ bpm)
Swimming Golf :  152 (Рекордно низкое достижение: _)
Аэробная статистика тренировки:

Общее время тренировки: 00:31:29 (Рекордное время тренировки: 01:04:52)
Laps: 5 (Рекордное Laps: 3)
Total Distanse (m): 125 (Рекордное Total Distanse (m): 75)
Килокалорий за тренировку: 71 (Рекордная затрата килокалорий на тренировке: 482)
Stroke rate: 17 (Рекордная Stroke rate: 12)
Speed: 106  (Рекордная Speed: 162)
Efficiency: 34 (Рекордное Efficiency: 48)
Stroke Length(m): 3.12 (Рекордное Stroke Length(m): 3.40)
Rest Time: 00:31:41 (Рекордно низкий Rest Time: 00:31:41)
Средний пульс за тренировку: 106 (Рекордный средний пульс: 124)
Максимальный пульс за тренировку: 144 (Рекордный максимальный пульс: 157)
Плотность тренировки: 143.13  (Рекордная плотность: 138.98)

По результатам этой тренировки установлены следующие личные рекорды:

- Laps: 5
Итого 1 ЛР