четверг, 30 января 2014 г.


I hope you agree at this point that swimming can literally save your life. Here is a summary of what extensive scientific research conducted over the past thirty years has shown swimming can do to help you eliminate the chances of cardiovascular disease:
• Lower your blood pressure
• Lower your total cholesterol
• Increase your HDL, the “good” cholesterol
• Help you stop smoking
• Improve your ability to dissolve blood clots (we haven’t discussed this one yet, but we will)
• Lower your heart rate
In doing all this, it may well prevent that heart attack or stroke you could be heading for. Table 3.3 shows how my heart’s health has been affected since I began swimming again. Once again, there is nothing extraordinary or magical about what I have achieved. Thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of other people have turned their hearts’ health around in exactly the same way. And all we have done to achieve this result is made swimming a given in our lives. From this commitment, everything else follows.

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