воскресенье, 19 января 2014 г.

Basic Balance Set: Rest for Three Yoga Breaths Between Lengths

This 500-yard series uses seven balance drills to heighten your awareness of how to achieve a feeling of effortless support in the water—“no more sinking feeling.” This helps all your movements gain fluency and economy, and you save energy. Before mixing so many drills in a single set like this, take time to achieve ease and familiarity with each of the individual drills.
2 × 25 Balance on Your Back
2 × 25 Head Lead Sweet Spot
2 × 25 Active Balance, see ch. 8, drill 2 (3 yoga breaths each side)
2 × 25 Hand Lead Sweet Spot (25 right side, 25 left)
4 × 25 Skating (alternate 25s right side, left side on next three drills)
4 × 25 UnderSkate
4 × 25 ZipperSkate

• Use as a standard warmup for practices during your first two to six weeks with the TI program.
• Do the progression two or three times (1000 or 1500 yards) to focus intensively on balance mastery.
• As your balance improves, swim 1 to 2 × 25s or 50s of whole stroke, after each drill, with a focus on feeling just as balanced (supported, relaxed, comfortable) as during the drill.

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