четверг, 16 января 2014 г.

No Lanes, No Walls—The Wide-Open-Water Swim

Open-water swims are not all as “clubby” as Masters meets, but they’re just as relaxing in their own way. And it’s for the same reason that road races are so much more popular than track meets among runners— freedom of the “open road” and the happy anonymity of competing in a field of hundreds.
Just as thousands of foot-powered athletes would never consider the military regimentation of a track meet, open-water competitions draw swimmers who never race in a pool. Without the intimidation of timers standing watchfully around the deck, rivals challenging from neighboring starting blocks, and bleachers full of curious fans peering at the water—maybe even at you—open-water events are as matter-of-fact as a weekend 10K. Proof: Though U.S. Masters Swimming has some 40,000 registered members, only a third enter meets as we said earlier. Yet 60,000 people swim in open-water races connected with triathlons each year, and thousands more crowd the shorelines at open-water swims. Who needs the coddled precision of lanes? For the price of an occasional foot in the face or elbow in the ear from one of the other unguided bodies, you have freedom.
So why is it many swimmers never venture out of the pool to explore the exhilaration of swimming in lakes, rivers, and oceans? Timidity. Swimming without a line to guide you, a bottom you can see, and a wall nearby for comfort? Buoys you have to find so you don’t get lost, perhaps surf to fight, and who knows what else in the water out there besides swimmers? No thanks.
All manageable risks, and clearly worth the managing when you finally plunge in off the beach and your body remembers that before chlorine, before filters and pumps, even before electric lights, this is how we swam. There may be no wall to touch for security, but there’s no wall hemming you in either.
Obviously without the customary safety net of lifeguards, bottoms to stand on, and walls or lane markers to hold on to, you’ve got to ready a safety net of your own. Here’s how to put it in place.

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