A lot of fighters are in the habit of mirroring their opponent’s strikes. For example, if you throw a Thai kick to your opponent’s leg, there is a good chance he’ll immediately throw a Thai kick to your leg. It’s a subconscious way of saying, “Fuck you, bitch, I ain’t letting you get one up on me.” If I’m in a fight and I notice my opponent mirroring my attacks, I’ll often use this to my advantage. Takedowns are a lot easier to execute successfully when your opponent throws punches because it hinders his ability to sprawl or counter with a knee to the face. So I’ll throw a one-two punching combination, and the instant my opponent throws a one-two punching combination back, I’ll drop underneath his punches and shoot in for a double leg takedown. It is important to notice that once I have my opponent’s legs, I don’t drive him straight back because it would place me in his guard. Instead, I drive him to the mat laterally, landing me in side control.
I throw a jab at Neil’s chin.
I throw a right cross.
Having just eaten a one-two punching combination, Neil quickly fires off a jab.
As Neil throws a right cross, I drop my elevation and shoot in underneath his punch, seizing the backs of his legs with my hands.
Instead of plowing Neil forward, I drive him to my right side by lifting his right leg off the mat with my left arm and trapping his left leg with my right arm.
As Neil falls to his back, I come down with him and land in side control.
I throw a jab at Neil’s chin.
I throw a right cross.
Having just eaten a one-two punching combination, Neil quickly fires off a jab.
As Neil throws a right cross, I drop my elevation and shoot in underneath his punch, seizing the backs of his legs with my hands.
Instead of plowing Neil forward, I drive him to my right side by lifting his right leg off the mat with my left arm and trapping his left leg with my right arm.
As Neil falls to his back, I come down with him and land in side control.
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