воскресенье, 12 февраля 2012 г.

Программа становой тяги от Джаски Парвианенса


Jaska divided this program into three meso-cycles, each with specific
percentages, and key assistance exercises. The first cycle lasts seven
weeks. The main exercise is the semi stiff-legged deadlift off a block.
Perform 10 reps on all sets. Assistance exercises are light power cleans (5
sets, 4-6 reps) before deadlift, heavy barbell bentover rows (5 sets), 5 sets
of weighted chins (4-6 reps).


Week 1
Day 1: 27%x1; 31%x1; 27%x2
Day 2: 27%x1; 33%x1; 40%x1; 27%x1

Week 2
Day 1: 27%x1; 33%x4
Day 2: 27%x1; 37%x1; 44%x1; 35%x1

Week 3
Day 1: 27%x1; 33%x4
Day 2: 33%x1; 40%x1; 47%x1; 35%x1

Week 4
Day 1: 33%x5
Day 2: 33%x1; 44%x1; 49%x1; 35%x1

Week 5
Day 1: 33%x5
Day 2: 33%x1; 44%x1; 51 %x1; 37%x1

Week 6
Day 1: 33%x1; 37%x4
Day 2: 35%x1; 49%x1; 53%x1; 40%x2x2

Week 7
Day 1: 33%x1; 40%x4
Day 2: 35%x1; 49%x1; 55%x1; 40%x2

As you can see, some very light weights here, but this is a build up
process for the big numbers to come.

The main exercise of the second cycle is the regular deadlift done,
again off a block for 5 reps. Again the mesocycle lasts seven weeks. As-
sistance exercises consist of light power cleans before deadlifting (5 sets,
4-6 reps), heavy bent-over rows, dumbbell rows and shrugs (4 to 6 sets
with increasing weights).


Week 1
Day 1: 44%x1; 50%x1; 55%x3
Day 2: 44%x1; 52%x1; 60%x1; 66%x1; 44%x1

Week 2
Day 1: 44%x1; 50%x1; 55%x1
Day 2: 44%x1; 55%x1; 64%x1; 70%x1; 44%x1

Week 3
Day 1: 44%x1; 55%x1
Day 2: 44%x1; 55%x1; 64%x1; 73%x1; 44%x1

Week 4
Day 1: 44%x1; 55%x1
Day 2: 49%x1; 66%x1; 75%x 1; 49%x1

Week 5
Day 1: 49%x1; 57%x3; 49%x1
Day 2: 49%x1; 66%x1; 77%x1; 71 %x; 49%x1

Week 6
Day 1: 49%x1; 57%x3; 49%x1
Day 2: 49%x1; 68%x1; 79%x1; 55%x1; 49%x1

Week 7
Day 1: 49%x1; 57%x3;
Day 2: 49%xl; 68%x1; 80%x1; 55%x1; 49%x1

In the third part you are performing competition style deadlifts from
the floor. The reps are indicated below. This mesocycle lasts six weeks.
Reps and sets vary. Assistance exercises: chins without weight, wide grip
bent-over rows, hyperextensions.


Week 1
Day 1: 44%x1; 60%x3; 70%x3x3
Day 2: 44%x5; 60%x3; 70%x2; 80%xl; 90%x1

Week 2
Day 1: 44%x1; 60%x3; 70%x3x3
Day 2: 44%x5; 60%x3; 70%x2; 84%x1; 94%x1; 86%x3

Week 3
Day 1: 44%x1; 60%x3; 74%x3x3
Day 2: 44%x5; 60%x3; 74%x2; 90%x1; 94%x1; 90%x3

Week 4
Day 1: 44%x1; 60%x3; 74%x3x3
Day 2: 44%x5; 64%x3; 80%x2; 95%x1; 101 %x1; 93%x3

Week 5
Day 1: 44%x5; 76%x3x4
Day 2: 44%x5; 70%x3; 84%x2; 94%x1; 103%x1; 96%x3

Week 6
Day 1: 44%x5; 80%x3x4
Day 2: 44%x5; 70%x3; 84%x2; 96%x1; 105%x1

So, a careful, step-by-step manner to increase your max designed by a
man whose very heritage spells one word: D-E-A-D-LI-F-T.

Источник: Powerlifting USA, December 2010, Volune 34, Issue 2, page 68

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