понедельник, 31 марта 2014 г.
2-й год 44-я неделя Тренировка-2 1/7 + WB1
Давление 122/90, пульс 65, вес 100.9 кг (Минимальное давление, пульс и вес: 123/72, 53, 97.3)
Общая работа на тренировке: =0.05*100.9*1100 = 5549.50 (Рекордная работа: 5976)
По результатам этой тренировки установлены следующие личные рекорды:
Отличный сон
Давление 108/69, пульс 78, вес 100.0 кг
Тренировка выполнялась без ласт.
Level 1 Workout 7 Drill Review
Training zone: Recovery and low aerobic
Target RPE range: 9 to 11
Target heart-rate range: 70 to 85% of SLTHR
4 × 25 on :10R—alt 25 SGNU, 25 SGB, 25 SGSS, 25 swim (focus: finish your strokes)
4 × 25 on :10R—alt 25 SGB, 25 SGSS, 25 3S&G (focus: wide tracking), 25 swim (focus: risky breathing)
Main Set
2 × 50 on :15R—alt 25 BB, 25 SGB (focus: red dot)
4 × 25 on :10R TS—alt 25 FB, 25 SGND, 25 BBR, 25 SGSS (focus: buoy pressure)
2 × 75 on :30R TS—alt 25 SGSS, 25 3S&G, 25 swim (focus: hand swapping)
2 × :30 VK on :15R—hands out of the water
6 × 25 on :10R—alt 25 LAR (focus: tight line), 25 3S&G (focus: pierce down to extension), 25 swim (focus: downhill swimming)
2 × :30 VKR on :15R—odd: hands on your chest; even: hands on your head IHR or RPE
3 × 50 on :10R TS—alt 25 SGSS, 25 LAR (focus: tight line) IHR or RPE
Total distance: 950
Swim 50m
Kick 2 x 25m
Swim 50m
Дистанция 150м
Аэробная статистика тренировки:
Общее время тренировки: 01:08:50 (Рекордное время тренировки: 01:04:52)
Общее время тренировки: 01:08:50 (Рекордное время тренировки: 01:04:52)
Total Distanse (m): 1100 (Рекордное Total Distanse (m): 1100)
Килокалорий за тренировку: 863 (Рекордная затрата килокалорий на тренировке: 797)
Strokes: 26.86 (Рекордно низкий Strokes: 22.22)
Stroke rate: 44.86 (Рекордно низкий Stroke rate: 32.78)
Efficiency: 62.00 (Рекордное низкое Efficiency: 58.00)
Stroke Length(m): 1.87 (Рекордное Stroke Length(m): 2.26)
Rest Time: 00:27:47 (Рекордно низкий Rest Time: 00:05:01)
Средний пульс за тренировку: 128 (Рекордный средний пульс: 131)
Максимальный пульс за тренировку: 171 (Рекордный максимальный пульс: 171)
Плотность тренировки: 80.43 (Рекордная плотность: 138.98)
Плотность тренировки: 80.43 (Рекордная плотность: 138.98)
По результатам этой тренировки установлены следующие личные рекорды:
- Total Distanse (m): 1100
- Общее время тренировки: 01:08:50
- Килокалорий за тренировку: 863
- Максимальный пульс за тренировку: 171
- T-25ВВ: 1'7''
- SGSS-TS: 0'43'
- T-25mFree-swim - 0'31''
Итого 7 ЛР
Текущие рекорды:
Общее время тренировки - 01:08:50 (Предыдущий рекорд: 01:04:52)
Килокалорий за тренировку - 863 (Предыдущий рекорд: 797)
Средний пульс за тренировку - 131 (Предыдущий рекорд: 128)
Максимальный пульс за тренировку - 171 (Предыдущий рекорд: 166)
Total Distanse (m) - 1100 (Предыдущий рекорд: 1000)
Strokes - 22.22 (Предыдущий рекорд: 23.67)
Stroke rate - 32.78 (Предыдущий рекорд: 38.00)
Efficiency - 58.00 (Предыдущий рекорд: 60.67)
Stroke Length(m) - 2.26 (Предыдущий рекорд: 2.16)
T-25FВ-TS - 0'52'' (Предыдущий рекорд: 0'56'')
T-25ВВ - 1'7'' (Предыдущий рекорд: 1'9'')
T-SGND-lft-TS - 0'53'' (Предыдущий рекорд: _)
T-SGND-rt-TS - 0'53'' (Предыдущий рекорд: _)
T-SGNU-lft - 0'55'' (Предыдущий рекорд: 0'57)
T-SGNU-rt - 0'54'' (Предыдущий рекорд: _)
BBR-TS - 1'13'' (Предыдущий рекорд: 1'25'')
SGB-lft - 0'56'' (Предыдущий рекорд: 1'1'')
SGB-rt - 0'55'' (Предыдущий рекорд: 1'1'')
LAR-TS - 0'53'' (Предыдущий рекорд: 0'57'')
LAR - 0'49'' (Предыдущий рекорд: _)
SGSS-TS - 0'43'' (Предыдущий рекорд: 0'45'')
SGSS - 0'47'' (Предыдущий рекорд: 0'54'')
3S&G-TS - 0'41'' (Предыдущий рекорд: 0'44)
3S&G - 0'49'' (Предыдущий рекорд: _)
Free Kick Board - 0'54'' (Предыдущий рекорд: 0'56'')
Dolphin Kick Board - 0'55'' (Предыдущий рекорд: 1'14'')
Дистанция T-20minFree - 550 м (Предыдущий рекорд: 400м)
T-20minFree cruise pace - 3'39'' (Предыдущий рекорд: 05:04)
T-25mFree-swim - 0'31'' (Предыдущий рекорд: 0'36'')
T-25mFree-TS-swim - 0'33'' (Предыдущий рекорд: 0'34'')
T-50mFree-swim - 1'11'' (Предыдущий рекорд: 1'15'')
воскресенье, 30 марта 2014 г.
Chapter 2 Introduction to Freestyle Swimming

Freestyle is unique in that the swimmer has their face in the water for most of the stroke before rotating to the side to breathe very low to the surface. Breathing is a significant challenge when learning freestyle and the struggle to get enough air, without taking on water, is a dominant feature of many beginners’ experiences.
The body rotates along the long axis of the spine during the stroke, which helps the swimmer engage their chest, back and core muscles effectively on every stroke. The lack of vertical movement in comparison to butterfly or breaststroke allows good swimmers to sit very high in the water minimising their drag profile. In comparison to backstroke, freestyle has biomechanical advantages, allowing a better propulsive technique in the water. For triathlon and open water swimming, freestyle is a much more compact and ‘narrow’ stroke than butterfly and breaststroke making it ideal for swimming in close confines to other swimmers and obviously has significant sighting advantages for holding a straight line between points over swimming on your back in backstroke.
1.4.4 The Competent Communicator Is Ethical
Human communication also involves questions of ethics, the study of good and bad, of right and wrong, of moral and immoral. Ethics is concerned with actions, with behaviors; it’s concerned with distinguishing between behaviors that are moral (ethical, good, right) and those that are immoral (unethical, bad, and wrong). Not surprisingly, there’s an ethical dimension to any interpersonal communication act (Bok, 1978; Neher & Sandin, 2007).
Objective and Subjective Views of Ethics
Woven through these discussions of ethics are two interrelated questions that will influence all your ethical decisions: (1) Are ethical principles objective or subjective? and (2) Does the end justify the means? In an objective view of ethics, you’d argue that the rightness or wrongness of an act is absolute and exists apart from the values or beliefs of any individual or culture. With this view, you’d hold that there are standards that apply to all people in all situations at all times. If lying, false advertising, using illegally obtained evidence, or revealing secrets you’ve promised to keep were considered unethical, then they would be unethical regardless of circumstances or of cultural values and beliefs. In an objective view the end can never justify the means; an unethical act is never justified regardless of how good or beneficial its results (or ends) might be.
In a subjective view of ethics, you’d argue that absolute statements about right and wrong are too rigid and that the ethics of a message depends on the culture’s values and beliefs as well as on the particular circumstances. Thus, a subjective position would claim that lying might be wrong to win votes or sell cigarettes, but that it might be quite ethical if good would result from it—as when we try to make friends feel better by telling them that they look great or that they’ll get well soon. In a subjective view a good end would often justify the use of means that would in other situations be considered unethical.
In a subjective view of ethics, you’d argue that absolute statements about right and wrong are too rigid and that the ethics of a message depends on the culture’s values and beliefs as well as on the particular circumstances. Thus, a subjective position would claim that lying might be wrong to win votes or sell cigarettes, but that it might be quite ethical if good would result from it—as when we try to make friends feel better by telling them that they look great or that they’ll get well soon. In a subjective view a good end would often justify the use of means that would in other situations be considered unethical.
Beliefs about Ethics
As a preface to these future discussions, consider some of the popular beliefs about ethics—perhaps one or more of which you hold personally. For each of the following statements place a T (for True) if you feel the statement accurately explains what ethical behavior is and an F (for False) if you feel the statement does not accurately explain what ethical behavior is.
- _____ My behavior is ethical when I feel (in my heart) that I’m doing the right thing.
- _____ My behavior is ethical when it is consistent with my religious beliefs.
- _____ My behavior is ethical when it is legal.
- _____ My behavior is ethical when the majority of reasonable people would consider it ethical.
- _____ My behavior is ethical when the effect of the behavior benefits more people than it harms.
These statements are based on responses given to the question “What does ethics mean to you?” on the Santa Clara University website on Ethical Decision Making and are presented here to stimulate thinking and discussion about what is and what is not a useful ethical theory. All five of these statements are false; none of them states a useful explanation of what is and what is not ethical.
- Statement 1 is false simply because people often do unethical things they feel are morally justified. Jack the Ripper killing prostitutes is a good historical example, but there are many current ones such as stalking (I’m so in love I need to be with this person) or insurance scams (My family needs the money more than the insurance company). Even though Jack, the stalker, and the scam artist may feel justified in their own minds, it doesn’t make their behavior moral or ethical.
- Statement 2 must be false when you realize that different religions advocate very different kinds of behavior, often behaviors that contradict one another. Examples abound in almost every issue of a daily newspaper.
- Statement 3 must be false when you realize so much discrimination against certain people is perfectly legal in many parts of the world, and, in many countries, war (even preemptive war) is legal.
- Statement 4 is false because the thinking of the majority changes with the times and has often proven to be extremely immoral. The burning of people supposed to be witches or of those who spoke out against majority opinion (as in the Inquisition) are good examples.
- Statement 5 is false because immoral acts frequently benefit the majority and harm the minority. The burning of witches, for example, was in the interest of the majority as were slavery and discrimination against gay men and lesbians, certain religions, or different races. But, despite this majority interest, we’d readily recognize these actions as immoral.
In addition to this introductory discussion, ethical dimensions of human communication are presented in each of the remaining chapters in the Making Ethical Choices boxes. As a kind of preview, here are just a few of the ethical issues raised in these boxes. As you read these questions, think about your own ethical beliefs and how these beliefs influence the way you’d answer the questions.
- What are your ethical obligations as a listener? See Ethics box, Chapter 4.
- When is it unethical to remain silent? See Ethics box, Chapter 6.
- When is gossiping ethical, and when is it unethical? See Ethics box, Chapter 8.
- At what point in a relationship do you have an obligation to reveal intimate details of your life? See Ethics box, Chapter 9.
- Are there ethical and unethical ways to engage in conflict and conflict resolution? See Ethics box, Chapter 11.
Other Swim Smooth Resources
This book stands alone as a great resource to develop your swimming, however, it becomes even more effective when used in tandem with Swim Smooth’s other coaching resources, many of which are free:
Our dedicated website explaining the Swim Type system is well worth viewing in relation to Chapters 17 to 23 of this book as it shows you video clips of each of the Swim Types in action. We hope you benefit from the Swim Type development processes in Appendix B; if you do, consider going on and purchasing the Swim Type Development Guide for your type. This is supplied as a PDF digital download to your computer and contains an even more detailed development process over and above that contained in this book.
Our Stroke Technique Website: www.swimsmooth.com
The Swim Smooth website contains a wealth of interesting articles about developing your swimming. In relation to this book you will find the animations and video clips very insightful – in fact in some chapters we have given you links to the website to follow for just this reason.
Mr Smooth and Miss Smooth Animations
Available for free at our main website www.swimsmooth.com, our animated swimmers ‘Mr Smooth’ and ‘Miss Smooth’ show you two ideal freestyle strokes in action. They demonstrate one of the two ideal Swim Types each, the Smooth (Mr Smooth) and the refined-Swinger (Miss Smooth). These animations are extremely powerful visualisation tools and we highly recommend downloading the free application to your desktop so that you can view them from any angle or at any speed. For best effect, watch them just before you go for a swim and jump in the water and reproduce their strokes! Many swimmers have taken minutes off their times just by doing that.
The Swim Types Website: www.swimtypes.com

Swim Smooth Certified Coaches
At the time of writing Swim Smooth is training hand-picked coaches around the world to pass on our methods and help you to swim faster and more efficiently than ever before. Our network of certified coaches will develop over time – find out if we already have a Certified Coach in your area at: www.swimsmooth.com/certifi edcoaches. If you are a coach and would like to explore the possibility of becoming a Swim Smooth Certified Coach, then please do so from that webpage. Becoming a Swim Smooth Certified Coach involves a rigorous training process and candidates are selected based upon their education, experience, skill, passion and approach to coaching swimming.
The Swim Smooth Forum: www.swimsmoothforum.com
Want to ask us a question or interact with other swimmers? Then join our forum! It’s a great place to share your experiences, find out about other swimmers in your area and get direct access to Head Coaches Paul and Adam, and other Swim Smooth coaches around the world.
Give Us Direct Feedback
As well as posting on our forum, feel free to send us an email at feedback@swimsmooth.com. Tell us how you are getting on with this book or suggest an idea you have that would help you and other swimmers. We get inspired by hearing your stories so please let us know!
Coaching DVDs
If you have enjoyed this book then an excellent accompaniment to it would be one of our coaching DVDs, which cover many of the drills and techniques here but in a visual format. In the DVDs we are able to show you great swimmers (including Olympic champions) in action, and visualising their strokes in the water can be hugely beneficial for your own stroke. At the time of writing we have three DVDs to offer you:
- The Learn To Swim Programme is a fantastic way to learn freestyle from scratch with no prior swimming experience. We build up your stroke technique and confidence one step at a time, helping you adjust to having your face in the water, developing your breathing technique and constructing your stroke piece by piece. You will be amazed at how quickly you develop and you will soon be swimming your first laps of smooth relaxed freestyle – exhilarating! This DVD covers your first strokes in freestyle in much more depth than we have scope to do in this book.
- Perfect for intermediate swimmers, The DVD Boxset is actually two DVDs and a CD ROM taking you through all aspects of stroke technique; all the drills you need to improve; open water swimming development and techniques, and a full 25-session training plan to follow in the pool. Featuring Olympic Gold Medallist Bill Kirby who has an extremely smooth stroke for you to watch and recreate yourself.
- The Catch Masterclass is our latest DVD and features amazing footage from our new ‘Hollywood style’ filming rig in Perth. Three top-flight swimmers show us the secrets of their catch technique in incredible detail as we explain exactly what they’re doing, how to improve your own catch technique and where you might have gone wrong in the past. Five star reviews aplenty!
All these DVDs are available in our store at www.swimsmooth.com/products
1.4.3 The Competent Communicator Is Culturally Sensitive
Communication competence is culture specific; that is, the principles of effective communication vary from one culture to another, and what proves effective in one culture may prove ineffective in another. For example, in American culture you would call a person you wished to date three or four days in advance. In certain Asian cultures, you might call the person’s parents weeks or even months in advance.
Cultures also differ in politeness; in the roles assigned to men and women; in the meanings of different nonverbal messages from facial expressions, colors, touch, silence, and time; in approaches to small group communication and leadership; and in their evaluation of different approaches in public speaking (for example, some cultures appreciate directness and a fully confident speaker, while others may prefer one who is indirect and modest). Because culture is so important in all forms of communication, the next chapter is devoted to culture in human communication and intercultural communication.
Cultures also differ in politeness; in the roles assigned to men and women; in the meanings of different nonverbal messages from facial expressions, colors, touch, silence, and time; in approaches to small group communication and leadership; and in their evaluation of different approaches in public speaking (for example, some cultures appreciate directness and a fully confident speaker, while others may prefer one who is indirect and modest). Because culture is so important in all forms of communication, the next chapter is devoted to culture in human communication and intercultural communication.
2-й год 44-я неделя Тренировка-1 2A2-4/4
Давление 126/90, пульс 64, вес 101.4 кг (Минимальное давление, пульс и вес: 123/72, 53, 97.3)
Работа: =101.4*0.10*(44+5)*2*0.61 = 606.17 (Рекордная работа: 649.19)
Интенсивность: =606.17/3.25 = 186.51 (Рекордная интенсивность: 237.50)
2. Shinbox Switch w/Extensions
3. Толчок двух гирь
6. Подтягивания на перекладине нейтральным хватом
Общее время тренировки: 01:28:20 (Рекордное время тренировки: 02:44:24)
Средний пульс за тренировку: 112 (Рекордный средний пульс: 143)
Максимальный пульс за тренировку: 159 (Рекордный максимальный пульс: 186)
Килокалорий за тренировку: 728 (Рекордная затрата килокалорий на тренировке: 1668)
Процент жира из потраченных килокалорий на тренировке: 32
Время нахождения в зоне 3: 00:03:43 (Рекордное время нахождения в зоне 3: 00:52:03)
Время нахождения в зоне 2: 00:10:15 (Рекордное время нахождения в зоне 2: 01:21:38)
Время нахождения в зоне 1: 01:03:49 (Рекордное время нахождения в зоне 1: 01:57:24)
Плотность тренировки: 88.62 (Рекордная плотность: 216.84)
Результат тренировки: Улучшение жиросжигания и общей выносливости
BW/ 10; 13; 11; 10; 10 = 44 + BW/ 5 х 1 = 5
Амплитуда: 61 см
Время выполнения: 3.25 минАмплитуда: 61 см
Работа: =101.4*0.10*(44+5)*2*0.61 = 606.17 (Рекордная работа: 649.19)
Интенсивность: =606.17/3.25 = 186.51 (Рекордная интенсивность: 237.50)
2. Shinbox Switch w/Extensions
ВТ/ 2; 5; 4; 2; 2 = 7 +
ВТ/ 1 х 3 = 3
Амплитуда: 40 см
Время выполнения: 2.75 мин
Работа: =101.4*0.38*0.4*(7+3)*2 = 308.26 (Рекордная работа: 428.58)
Интенсивность: =308.26/2.75 = 112.09 (Рекордная интенсивность: 135.38)
Протяжка гири 16 кг двумя руками над головой: 1 х 5
(Амплитуда: 215 см; Работа: =16*5*2.15 = 172.0)
3. Толчок двух гирь
(16кг+18кг)/4, 17 = 21; (20кг+22кг)/13, (24кг+26кг)/9, (32кг+32кг)/6 + (32кг+32кг)/5,4,3 = 12
Амплитуда: 78 см - непосредственно толчок, 140 см - поднятие гирь в исходное положение перед толчком
Время выполнения: 9.5 мин
Работа: =(16+18)*(21*0.78+2*1.40)+(32+32)*(12*0.78+3*1.40) = 1519.96 (Рекордная работа: 6043.20)
Время выполнения: 9.5 мин
Работа: =(16+18)*(21*0.78+2*1.40)+(32+32)*(12*0.78+3*1.40) = 1519.96 (Рекордная работа: 6043.20)
Интенсивность: =1519.96/9.5 = 160.00 (Рекордная интенсивность: 440.64)
4. Goblet Squat
16кг х 5, 32кг/ 3; 4; 3; 3; 3 = 10 + 32кг/2,1 = 3
Амплитуда: 61 см - присед, 140 см - подъем гири в исходное положение
Время выполнения: 5.75 мин
Работа: =((16+101.4*0.4)*5+(32+101.4*0.4)*(10+3))*0.61+(16*1+32*5)*1.40 = 994.31 (Рекордная работа: 1077.95)
Время выполнения: 5.75 мин
Работа: =((16+101.4*0.4)*5+(32+101.4*0.4)*(10+3))*0.61+(16*1+32*5)*1.40 = 994.31 (Рекордная работа: 1077.95)
Интенсивность: =994.31/5.75 = 172.92 (Рекордная интенсивность: 473.13)
5. Рывок одной гири
16кг/5, 19 = 24; 18кг/14; 20кг/10; 22кг/7 + 32кг/4,3,2 = 9
Амплитуда: 205 см
Время выполнения: 11.75 мин
Работа: =(16*24+32*9)*2*2.05 = 2755.2 (Рекордная работа: 8659.20)
Время выполнения: 11.75 мин
Работа: =(16*24+32*9)*2*2.05 = 2755.2 (Рекордная работа: 8659.20)
Интенсивность: =2755.2/11.75 = 234.49 (Рекордная интенсивность: 670.58)
6. Подтягивания на перекладине нейтральным хватом
ВТ/1; 3; 5; 2; 1 = 4 + ВТ/1 х 3 = 3
Амплитуда: 67 см
Время выполнения: 3.5 мин
Работа: =101.4*(4+3)*0.67 = 475.57 (Рекордная работа: 4757.07)
Время выполнения: 3.5 мин
Работа: =101.4*(4+3)*0.67 = 475.57 (Рекордная работа: 4757.07)
Интенсивность: =475.57/3.5 = 135.88 (Рекордная интенсивность: 452.03)
Рекорд в подтягиваниях: 15 раз
7. Отжимания от пола закрытым хватом
8. Подъем прямых ног в висе на перекладине
9. Перемещения в продольном шпагате
Общая работа на тренировке: =606.17+308.26+172.0+1519.96+994.31+2755.2+475.57+304.20+288.33+374.77 = 7798.77 (Рекордная работа: 18984.41)
7. Отжимания от пола закрытым хватом
ВТ/ 2; 3; 2; 2; 2 = 9 + ВТ/1 х 1 = 1
Рекорд в отжиманиях закрытым хватом: 18 раз
Амплитуда: 50 см
Время выполнения: 3.75 мин
Работа: =0.6*101.4*(9+1)*0.50 = 304.20 (Рекордная работа: 5019.84)
Время выполнения: 3.75 мин
Работа: =0.6*101.4*(9+1)*0.50 = 304.20 (Рекордная работа: 5019.84)
Интенсивность: =304.20/3.75 = 81.12 (Рекордная интенсивность: 607.20)
8. Подъем прямых ног в висе на перекладине
ВТ/ 3; 3; 5; 3; 3 = 6 + ВТ/2,2,1 = 5
Амплитуда: 47 см
Время выполнения: 4.0 мин
Работа: =101.4*0.55*(6+5)*0.47 = 288.33 (Рекордная работа: 414.43)
Время выполнения: 4.0 мин
Работа: =101.4*0.55*(6+5)*0.47 = 288.33 (Рекордная работа: 414.43)
Интенсивность: =288.33/4.0 = 72.08 (Рекордная интенсивность: 207.22)
9. Перемещения в продольном шпагате
ВТ/ 2; 4; 3; 2; 2 = 11 + ВТ/1 х 1 = 1
Амплитуда: 44 см
Время выполнения: 3.0 мин
Работа: =101.4*0.35*0.44*(11+1)*2 = 374.77 (Рекордная работа: 389.14)
Время выполнения: 3.0 мин
Работа: =101.4*0.35*0.44*(11+1)*2 = 374.77 (Рекордная работа: 389.14)
Интенсивность: =374.77/3.0 = 124.92 (Рекордная интенсивность: 209.93)
Общая работа на тренировке: =606.17+308.26+172.0+1519.96+994.31+2755.2+475.57+304.20+288.33+374.77 = 7798.77 (Рекордная работа: 18984.41)
Аэробная статистика тренировки:
Общее время тренировки: 01:28:20 (Рекордное время тренировки: 02:44:24)
Средний пульс за тренировку: 112 (Рекордный средний пульс: 143)
Максимальный пульс за тренировку: 159 (Рекордный максимальный пульс: 186)
Килокалорий за тренировку: 728 (Рекордная затрата килокалорий на тренировке: 1668)
Процент жира из потраченных килокалорий на тренировке: 32
Время нахождения в зоне 3: 00:03:43 (Рекордное время нахождения в зоне 3: 00:52:03)
Время нахождения в зоне 2: 00:10:15 (Рекордное время нахождения в зоне 2: 01:21:38)
Время нахождения в зоне 1: 01:03:49 (Рекордное время нахождения в зоне 1: 01:57:24)
Плотность тренировки: 88.62 (Рекордная плотность: 216.84)
Результат тренировки: Улучшение жиросжигания и общей выносливости
По результатам этой тренировки установлены следующие личные рекорды:
- Рывок двух-пудовочки: 4 раза
Итого 1 ЛС
Рекорды в толчке:
- гири 16 кг + 18 кг = 42 подъема - гири 18 кг + 20 кг = 36 подъемов
- гири 16 кг + 20 кг = 40 подъемов - гири 18 кг + 22 кг = 16 подъемов
- гири 16 кг + 22 кг = 20 подъемов - гири 18 кг + 24 кг = 27 подъемов- гири 16 кг + 24 кг = 29 подъемов - гири 18 кг + 26 кг = 8 подъемов
- гири 16 кг + 26 кг = 13 подъемов - гири 22 кг + 24 кг = 15 подъемов
- гири 20 кг + 22 кг = 18 подъемов - гири 22 кг + 26 кг = _ подъемов
- гири 20 кг + 24 кг = 19 подъемов - гири 24 кг + 26 кг = 9 подъемов- гири 32 кг + 32 кг = 6 подъемов- гири 20 кг + 26 кг = 9 подъемов- гири 16 кг + 24 кг = 29 подъемов (18/06/2013) - По Разрядные нормы в гиревом спорте на 1985-1988 rr. толкнул на 3-й взрослый (20 раз), следующая ступень - 2-й взрослый: 35 раз. По Разрядные нормы в гиревом спорте на 1989 - 1992 rr. не хватило 1 подъема чтобы набрать 30 и получить 3-й взрослый...Рекорды в рывке:- гиря 16 кг = 52 подъемов - гиря 22 кг = 22 подъемов- гиря 18 кг = 46 подъемов - гиря 24 кг = 24 подъемов
- гиря 20 кг = 30 подъемов - гиря 26 кг = 9 подъемов-
-гиря 32 кг = 4 подъемов
Рывок гири 24 кг: 24 повторения (24/07/2013): по Разрядные нормы в гиревом спорте на 1985-1988 rr. рванул на 3-й взрослый и не хватило 1 раза до 2-го взрослого; по Разрядные нормы в гиревом спорте на 1989 - 1992 rr. рванул на 3-й взрослый и не хватило 4 раза до 2-го взрослого;
4. Приседания с гирями на груди + жим стоя
(16кг+18кг)/ 3, 6 = 9 ; 4; 3; 3 + (32кг+32кг)/2,2,1 = 5
(16кг+18кг)/ 3, 6 = 9 ; 4; 3; 3 + (32кг+32кг)/2,2,1 = 5
Амплитуда: 61 см - непосредственно присед, 140 см - поднятие гирь в исходное положение перед приседом, 66 см при жиме с груди
Время выполнения: 10.25 мин
Работа: =((101.2*0.4+16+18)*0.61+(16+18)*0.66)*9+(16+18)*2*1.40+((101.2*0.4+32+32)*0.61+(32+32)*0.66)*5+(32+32)*3*1.40 = 1504.72 (Рекордная работа: 1590.13)
Интенсивность: =1504.72/10.25 = 146.80 (Рекордная интенсивность: 508.05) Время выполнения: 10.25 мин
Работа: =((101.2*0.4+16+18)*0.61+(16+18)*0.66)*9+(16+18)*2*1.40+((101.2*0.4+32+32)*0.61+(32+32)*0.66)*5+(32+32)*3*1.40 = 1504.72 (Рекордная работа: 1590.13)
Не удалось ни разу выжать одновременно две двухпудовки, тем не менее считаю жим в работу...
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