среда, 12 февраля 2014 г.


The backstroke is the only event that begins in the water rather than from a starting block (see Figure 8.7). Current rules require that your feet remain submerged during the start—you are not permitted to curl your toes over the edge of the pool.
Place your feet on the wall (or touch pad), with your toes just below the surface of the water. Then grip the bar of the starting block with your hands. When you hear the starter’s command, “Take your mark,” pull yourself up in a crouching position. Because it is tiring to hold this position, do not take this stance until you hear the command.
At the sound of the gun or horn, tilt your head back and swing your hands sideways in a circular motion. Push off the wall with your legs and arch your back slightly so you can clear the surface of the water.
As with the freestyle start, a clean entry is essential to maintain your momentum. Enter the water hands first, then upper torso, then legs, trying to have all your body parts go through the same hole. Holding a streamlined position, take several short, hard flutter kicks and come to the surface, ready to begin stroking.
You may want to try the faster Berkoff blastoff technique. If so, hold a streamlined position, with your arms extended behind your head. Then take several quick, shallow dolphin kicks before surfacing. Don’t be discouraged if you have trouble learning this skill. It is tiring and requires a great deal of flexibility.

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