воскресенье, 16 февраля 2014 г.


The basic principles of efficient swimming that you learned in Chapter 6 apply equally to the breaststroke. However, the following ten tips will be helpful to keep in mind as you learn the breast.
  1. Breathe on every stroke. In breaststroke, unlike the other strokes, breathing assists the timing.
  2. Keep your elbows high throughout the arm stroke.
  3. The arm stroke is basically a sculling motion. Many people pull back too far. Pull back only as far as your shoulders, so that your hands come together under your chin in the in sweep.
  4. Accelerate your arms throughout the stroke cycle. Most beginners slow down or stop their hands as they come together in the in sweep.
  5. There is no hesitation in the arm stroke at all. Glide only when your arms shoot forward during the recovery.
  6. When beginning your kick, raise your heels toward your buttocks. Do not bring your knees under your chest.
  7. Accelerate your feet with a strong whipping action throughout the kick, until your ankles come together and your legs are fully extended.
  8. Breath at the proper time: just as your arms complete the in sweep.
  9. Make sure to streamline your body between strokes.
10. Always practice the complete breaststroke turn during your workouts.

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