четверг, 31 июля 2014 г.

Juarez Valley Method

Like the Jailhouse Method, the Juarez Valley Method may be done with any type of bodyweight exercise. Unlike the Jailhouse Method, the Juarez Valley Method offers alternating ascending and descending reps. Repetitions are performed in descending order on all odd-number sets, but repetitions are performed in ascending order on even-number sets. In the middle, they meet! A Juarez Valley 20 is performed liked this:
Set 1 - 20 reps
Set 2 - 1 rep
Set 3 - 19 reps
Set 4 - 2 reps
Set 5 - 18 reps
Set 6 - 3 reps
Set 7 - 17 reps
Set 8 - 4 reps
Set 9 - 16 reps
Set 10 - 5 reps
Set 11 - 15 reps
Set 12 - 6 reps
Set 13 - 14 reps
Set 14 - 7 reps
Set 15 - 13 reps
Set 16 -8 reps
Set 17 - 12 reps
Set 18 - 9 reps
Set 19 - 11 reps
Set 20 - 10 reps
The complaint about the Jailhouse Method is that the difficulty in the beginning of the workout can be overwhelming, and that the ease at the end of the workout is not challenging. In contrast, the Juarez Valley Method keeps a steady level of difficulty throughout the workout.

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