четверг, 29 мая 2014 г.


accent  The stress or emphasis placed on a syllable when it is pronounced.
acculturation  The processes by which a person’s culture is modified or changed through contact with or exposure to another culture.
active listening  A process of putting together into some meaningful whole the listener’s understanding of the speaker’s total message—the verbal and the nonverbal, the content and the feelings. If you wish to listen actively, paraphrase the speaker’s meaning, express understanding of the speaker’s feelings, and ask questions when you need something clarified.
active management  Attempts to achieve portfolio returns more than commensurate with risk, either by forecasting broad market trends or by identifying particular mispriced sectors of a market or securities in a market.
adjustment  The principle of verbal interaction that claims that communication takes place only to the extent that the parties communicating share the same system of signals.
affinity-seeking strategies Behaviors designed to increase our interpersonal attractiveness. Use in moderation.
affirmation The communication of support and approval.
ageism Discrimination based on age, usually against the elderly. Avoid it.
agency problem  Conflicts of interest among stockholders, bondholders, and managers.
aldosterone hormone synthesized and released by the adrenal cortex; causes the kidneys to reabsorb sodium
algorithmic trading  The use of computer programs to make trading decisions.
allness  A language distortion; the assumption that all can be known or is known about a given person, issue, object, or event. Avoid allness statements (for example, statements containing such words as all, never, or always); they invariably misstate the reality and will often offend the other person.
ambiguity  Uncertainty of meaning; the possibility of interpreting a message in more than one way. Recognize that all messages are potentially ambiguous so clarify as necessary.
ambiguity tolerance  A cultural orientation concerned with the degree of discomfort with uncertainty.
antidiuretic hormone hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland; causes the kidneys to reabsorb more water; also called vasopressin
anuria total urine output less than 50 mL in 24 hours
ask price  The price at which a dealer will sell a security.
asset allocation Choosing among broad asset classes such as stocks versus bonds.
assimilation  A process of distortion in which messages are reconstructed to conform to our own attitudes, prejudices, needs, and values.
asynchronous Communication in which sending and receiving of a message takes place at different times. Opposed to synchronous.
attribution of control A process by which you focus on explaining why someone behaved as he or she did on the basis of whether the person had control over his or her behavior.
auction market  A market where all traders in a good meet at one place to buy or sell an asset. The NYSE is an example.

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